Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13-16 - Greg Byman - 5.28.23

Christ followers must influence for good in the world

  • Jesus had just described the character of godly people (5:3-12)

  • Now he says God calls his people to influence others to do the same!

Two groups: “You (plural)” and “The Earth/World”

  • Jesus sees no blurry line between the two

  • Gal 3:26 “through faith you are all sons of God in Christ Jesus”

  • 1 Jn 3:1  it is wonderful…we are called children of God!

  • 1 John 5:10-12  We have life if we believe in Jesus Christ

    • we do NOT have life if we do Not have Jesus!

Christ followers provide what the world does not have

  • The world’s tools for change are Power, Possessions and Pleasure

    •  none of these influences last long!

    •  everyone hungers for more, bigger, more control!

    •  Matt 6:24 “No one can serve two master” – they seek to rule us!

  • -God’s tools for change are His people!

    • no earthly government, no military force

    • almost always in the minority

Common Christians Uncommonly Influence The World!

  • salt and light are basic resources in every home

  • Christ followers are just as important in the world as common household elements!

  • Light helps us see, live, grow

  • Light naturally shines out, gets noticed

  • Jesus declares that we, his followers, are the only sources of

  • Spiritual preservation, flavor, and light!

You are the salt of the earth  vs 13

  • we preserve good, and stop/hold back decay and rot

    • salt was a common preservative in Christ’s day

    • the church hinders/slows down moral and spiritual decay

  • God uses other restraining forces to hold back evil

    • government- far from perfect, but prevents total anarchy

    • families- husbands and wives raising responsible children

  • However, God’s primary agents of moral preservation is the church!

Jesus warns us not to lose our salty taste  vs 13

  • Modern examples of Christians who lose spiritual influence

    • Celebrity Christian pastors fall into great immorality

    • churches who don’t protect children from sex offenders

    • churches who don’t discipline leaders who abuse authority

    • manipulation for personal gain, sexual indiscretions

    • churches who refuse to let their leaders help maintain the integrity of church members!

  • Christians are useless if we don’t look and live differently!

You are the light of the world   vs 14-15

  • Isaiah 42:6; 49:6  God’s people are a “light to the nations”

  • Light must be unnaturally hidden (city on a hill, lamp in a house)

  • Christ followers hide the light of Jesus when they unnaturally refuse to follow Jesus!

  • Hiding our faith in the world is not a normal option for believers

    • Do you children see you following Jesus? Co-workers? Neighbors?

Let your light shine…so they may see your good works   vs 16

  • Matt 5:3-11 We must demonstrate godly character!

  • Good works include believing, behaving and talking

And give glory to your Father in heaven  vs 16

  • 1 Peter 3:15  be ready to share where your hope comes from!

  • let others know that Jesus has changed and empowered you!

Are You Salt and Light?