Introduction to Proverbs
September 8, 2024 Sunday Worship Sermon Notes
Preacher: Greg Byman
Introduction to Proverbs
Proverbs 1:1-76
September 8, 2024
Where do you find wisdom?
-other people, culture, social media, self
-story of Solomon- godly but imperfect father, 1 Kings 3:4-15
Proverbs = life lessons, artistic instruction
God provides wisdom through people Vs 1
-vs 1 “The proverbs of Solomon”
-listen to people who listen to God/the Bible
-listen to people who practice God’s Word!
Proverbs teach us wisdom and instruction Vs 2-4
- vs 2 for learning wisdom and discipline
-practical, moral self-control
-vs 2 for understanding insightful sayings
-requires effort to learn and apply this to our lives
-vs 3 for receiving prudent instruction- practical for daily life!
-vs 4 for teaching
-shrewdness to the inexperienced
-knowledge and discretion to a young man
We must WANT to learn and obtain guidance! Vs 5-6
-a “wise” and “discerning” person
-time, effort, thinking, comparing
-vs 6 requires effort, humility, submission to wise people
-for understanding: spend time thinking, comparing
-words of the wise: spend time WITH godly people
-seek advice, mentoring, coaching, counseling,
-riddles: Proverbs helps us resolve or adjust to life ambiguities
-the Bible provides principles for all time and every culture
Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline.”
-Wise people believe in and submit to God!
-“fear”: reverence, respect, trust, worship
-1 Kings 3:4-15 Solomon submits to God for help
-Proverbs 3:5-8 Trust God, acknowledge him
-John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD- logos, logic
-Everything wise originated from God
-Fools reject God!
-Wise unbelievers are fools!
What is your next right step to understand Proverbs?
-Place your entire faith in Jesus Christ
-read and study the Bible regularly- read Proverbs!
-join a Connection Group- connect with godly, wise people
-submit every life decision under God’s authority
-only trust God’s Word and godly people to guide you
-what are some small decisions you need to
-you will never trust God with big decisions until you trust
experience God’s faithfulness to lead you through small
-Never stop seeking wisdom
-we are never too old to learn from the Bible and people
-Solomon didn’t end well- failed to take his own advice
Ask someone to pray with you right now!